The Influence of Confounding Variables in Observational Studies

Picture of Jesca Birungi

Jesca Birungi

Biostatistician with a passion for simplifying statistical methods through clear, concise writing, making complex concepts accessible to beginners.

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Observational studies play an important role in understanding associations between exposures and outcomes, particularly in fields where randomized controlled trials (RCTs) may not be feasible due to ethical, practical, or financial constraints. However, these studies often face a major challenge; confounding.

What is a confounder?

A confounder is a variable that is related to both the exposure and the outcome but is not an intermediate variable in the causal pathway. In simpler terms, this variable distorts or confuses the true relationship between the variables being studied.

A Confounder DAG

Examples of confounding

  • In a study examining the relationship between physical activity (exposure) and heart disease (outcome), age could be a confounder since older individuals are generally less active and more prone to heart disease. If not properly accounted for, confounding can lead to biased or misleading results, making it seem as though there is a causal relationship between variables when none exists or masking a true relationship.
  • Imagine you’re studying the relationship between alcohol consumption and lung cancer. Initial results show that people who drink alcohol are more likely to develop lung cancer. However, smoking could be a confounder in this relationship, as people who drink alcohol may also be more likely to smoke, and smoking, not alcohol, may be the real cause of the increased lung cancer risk.

What is the impact of confounding on study results?

Confounding can distort the results of an observational study in several ways:

  1. Overestimation of effects: Confounding can lead to the overestimation of the strength of the relationship between exposure and outcome. This may make it seem like the exposure has a stronger effect than it does.
  2. Underestimation of effects: Similarly, confounding can lead to the underestimation of the true effect, weakening the apparent relationship.
  3. False associations: Confounding can create a false association where none exists, leading to the conclusion that an exposure affects an outcome when it does not.
  4. Masking true associations: A confounder can hide or mask a real association between an exposure and an outcome.

These distortions not only threaten the validity of a study but also have serious implications in healthcare decision-making, policy formulation, and public health interventions. Identifying and controlling for confounding is, therefore, critical to ensure the accuracy and reliability of observational research. Do you want to delve deeper into the importance of considering confounding, check out this detailed article with practical examples

How then do we control for confounding?

Several statistical and methodological approaches can be used to adjust for the influence of confounders. The key methods include;

Study design approaches

  • Randomization: Although more applicable in randomized controlled trials, randomization helps ensure that confounders are equally distributed across groups, reducing the risk of bias. However, this is usually not feasible in observational studies.
  • Restriction: Limiting the study population to certain categories or ranges of a potential confounder can help control its effect. For instance, restricting a study to non-smokers can control for smoking as a confounder. However, this limits the generalizability of the results.
  • Matching: Matching exposed and unexposed participants on key confounding variables (e.g., age, sex) can help control for confounding. This is commonly used in case-control studies.

Statistical approaches

  • Stratification: Stratifying the analysis by levels of the confounder can help isolate its effect. For instance, stratifying a study on alcohol consumption by smoking status allows researchers to assess the association between alcohol and lung cancer within smoking and non-smoking groups separately.
  • Multivariable Regression: One of the most common methods for controlling confounders is to include them in a regression model as covariates. For example, in a study on physical activity and heart disease, including age and smoking status in a logistic regression model allows researchers to adjust for these confounders and estimate the true effect of physical activity on heart disease risk.
  • Propensity Score Matching (PSM): PSM involves estimating the probability of being exposed based on the confounders and then matching participants with similar propensity scores across the exposed and unexposed groups. This method is particularly useful when trying to mimic randomization in observational studies.
  • Inverse Probability Weighting (IPW): Like PSM, IPW uses weights derived from propensity scores to adjust for confounders, balancing the distribution of confounders between the exposure groups.

This article gives a detailed description of how to control for confounding using statistical approaches.

What are some of the challenges in controlling for confounders?

While there are several techniques available to handle confounders, it’s important to acknowledge the limitations and challenges:

Residual confounding

Residual confounding occurs when there are still unaccounted-for or unmeasured confounders that affect the outcome, even after adjusting for known confounders. This can happen for several reasons

  • Unmeasured variables: Not all confounders are known or measured in a study. For example, lifestyle factors like stress or diet may not be captured in a study examining the relationship between exercise and heart disease, leading to residual confounding.

  • Inaccurate adjustment: Sometimes, the methods used to adjust for confounders do not fully account for their influence. This might be due to oversimplified models or assumptions that don’t fully capture the complexity of the confounders’ relationships with both the exposure and the outcome.

Confounder measurement error

Confounder measurement error occurs when the variables used for adjustment are measured inaccurately or inconsistently, which can lead to;

  • Incomplete adjustment: If confounders are measured inaccurately (e.g., using self-reported smoking status, which might not be truthful or precise), the adjustment will not fully account for their effect. This can leave residual confounding in the analysis.

  • Misdirection: Measurement errors can also introduce bias in unexpected ways. For example, if a confounder like socioeconomic status is measured using a crude proxy (e.g., income brackets), subtle differences between individuals within each bracket might still confound the results.

Time-varying confounders

In longitudinal studies, where data is collected over time, some confounders may change throughout the study period. These time-varying confounders present several challenges;

  • Dynamic relationships: Time-varying confounders can both influence the exposure and be influenced by it over time. For example, in a study on the effects of diet on blood pressure, changes in physical activity or medication use over time can confound the relationship between diet and blood pressure.

  • Complexity of analysis: Time-varying confounders require advanced modeling techniques, such as marginal structural models or time-dependent Cox regression, to appropriately adjust for their effects. These methods are more computationally intensive and require careful data handling.


Confounding is one of the major sources of bias in observational studies. Understanding and addressing confounding is essential for accurate interpretation of research findings and ensuring valid conclusions. By carefully designing studies and using appropriate statistical techniques, researchers can minimize the impact of confounders and better estimate true relationships between exposures and outcomes. Whether it’s through multivariable regression, propensity score matching, or other advanced techniques, mitigating confounding is key to producing reliable, actionable insights in biostatistics and biomedical research.

Check out this article for a detailed overview of confounding and its applications using R software.

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